
I have been guided by curiosity and empathy to understand how people physically and emotionally interact with experiences across platforms, leveraging emerging technologies as both tool and canvas. 



Prototype designed to help close the gender pay gap presented at the White House to the Secretary of Commerce and CTO of the United States.


Inside Headset.PNG

EQ learning applications

In collaboration with Proteus, a leader in corporate Learning & Development curriculum, these immersive applications were designed to train Grant Thornton's employees on emotional intelligence.


emerging tech curriculum

Curriculum designed to introduce public high school students in Hayward, California, to virtual reality.

End Slate - Moon Bears.PNG

youtube click-through tool

Editorial processes and graphic design combine to create YouTube programming tools for improved content discovery for the user while dramatically increasing audience metrics.

Three actors.PNG

diversity & Inclusion training

This Google Daydream application provides users opportunities to simulate interventions with co-workers and experience the likely outcomes of each approach.