Diversity & Inclusion Training

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  • google



  • product and Experience Design


Experiencing the inner thoughts of a trans woman

Experiencing the inner thoughts of a trans woman

Confronting your co-workers about their biases and hurtful language

Confronting your co-workers about their biases and hurtful language


Design a Diversity & Inclusion application that teaches workplace skills to intervene on behalf of a colleague from an underrepresented population who is being treated unkindly.



In this Google Daydream application, the user is placed in a scenario where they witness two co-workers talking negatively about a trans colleague. With built in interactivity, the user can choose different ways to confront her co-workers and experience the likely outcomes of each approach.

Also built in is the ability to experience the inner daily thoughts of the trans woman.



This project was the first interactive Google Daydream application ever developed.